Energy Efficient Replacement Windows Houston TX

The windows of your home play a key role in its appearance, functionality and feel. When they’re not working properly, problems like condensation or drafts can result.

The right replacement windows can reduce energy costs, protect your home from hurricanes and improve its curb appeal. Look for energy-efficient features such as multiple planes, glazes and coatings.

Low-E Glass

Choosing double-pane windows with Low-E glass helps you save on energy costs. These windows limit the transfer of heat and cool air between your home and the outside, which makes a huge difference in your comfort level and energy bills.

This window type has a special coating that limits how much solar heat passes through it by reflecting the light. During the summer, this coating sends the sun’s radiant heat back into the atmosphere rather than allowing it to enter your house through the glass.

In addition to limiting the amount of sunlight that comes into your house, this window glass protects furniture and carpets from the sun’s damaging UV rays. This keeps them looking good and prevents them from fading over time.

To see if your windows have this coating, stand in front of them at night with a lit match or pen light. You should see four reflected images of the light. One of those will be a different color, and that’s low-E glass.

Energy-Efficient Materials

The best replacement windows Houston TX are designed with materials that help to enhance insulation and reduce heat transfer. This significantly minimizes the reliance on heating systems in the winter and air conditioning units in the summer, cutting down energy consumption and reducing home bills.

Framing materials play a significant role in home insulation. Aluminum, fiberglass, and wood offer differing insulating capabilities, with wood being the most durable and effective at resisting condensation. However, it is vulnerable to rot, which makes vinyl the superior choice in hot climates, where moisture can accelerate wood deterioration.

The frames should also be strong enough to withstand the weather in your local area, such as brisk winds and heavy rains. Vinyl and fiberglass frames are popular choices for their resilience, insulating properties, and zero to low maintenance. They also offer noise suppression and great UV protection, which is especially important given the Houston area’s scorching hot summers. These features will not only cut down on your energy costs but will also increase resale value.

Clad Wood Windows

Wood windows provide an elegant interior aesthetic that other materials can’t match. However, their exterior frames can be vulnerable to water and weather damage. Clad wood windows solve this problem by using a layer of aluminum or vinyl over the wood frame, which makes it less likely to damage or decay.

Fiberglass is another strong, durable material that can withstand extreme temperatures and humidity. Its low permeability means it keeps heat from escaping your home, saving you money on energy bills year round.

Almost all replacement windows offer efficiency benefits, especially newer models with lower visible transmittance (VT). VT is a measure of how much light passes through the window.


As Houston homeowners know, lowering energy costs and improving home comfort are major goals for any window replacement project. But you don’t have to sacrifice style or curb appeal to achieve your home’s needs with the right combination of windows.

The perfect fit is critical for forming a tight seal to reduce heat loss and lower your energy bills. Cookie-cutter windows from big box stores may not fit your home’s openings to perfection, which can lead to poor installation practices and problems later on.

Custom-made replacement windows can be built to your exact specifications. You can choose from a wide variety of frame colors, shapes, styles, and finishes to complement your home’s decor. And you can customize your window with multiple planes, glazes, coatings, and specialized glass package options to make sure your new windows meet your home’s specific needs.